Environmental, Social
and Governance

Environmental, Social, and Governance

In view of today’s challenges, be they environmental, societal or economic, and through its responsibilities as owner, investor and operator , with its 25,000 collaborators, its 701 hotels in 25 countries, AccorInvest must be committed and responsible.

As a responsible Group, our ESG policy is cross-sectoral and present throughout our activities : from a more sustainable acquisition and renovation to a more sustainable operation of our sites. Thus, it impacts all activities carried out by Group employees.

Our ESG strategy is based on three pillars, eight commitments and nineteen challenges, and demonstrates the Group’s strong commitment towards sustainable development.

ESG commitments are monitored, measured, and represented throughout the organisation, through three main governance bodies:

  • An ESG Committee at Board level
  • A strategy deployment steering committee made up of four members of the Executive Committee and the CEO of AccorInvest
  • A Taskforce made up of representatives of AccorInvest’s main business lines

To find out more about our ESG commitments and actions, explore our 2023 ESG report ‘Positive Hospitality: From Commitment to Action’. Click on the READ button!


ACTING AS A RESPONSIBLE GROUP AccorInvest aspires to demonstrate high standards of ethical behaviour and transparency while promoting responsible relations with all its business partners. More info
Respecting people and the environment AccorInvest strives to operate its business in a sustainable manner, by fostering employees’ development and welfare, and by constantly reducing its environmental footprint. More info
Delivering positive hospitality AccorInvest aspires to deliver an outstanding client experience and to contribute to local economic development, while being an actor of tomorrow’s sustainable city, by connecting with the communities and enhancing their wellbeing. More info


We aspire to demonstrate high standards of ethical conduct and transparency, while collaborating with all our business partners.

As a responsible Group, AccorInvest is committed to :

  • Setting standards for robust Group governance
  • Ensuring compliance and demonstrating transparent and ethical conduct
  • Investing in a socially responsible manner
  • Managing AI’s supply chain by monitoring ESG risks

Respecting people and the environment

We strive to foster employees’ development and welfare, and constantly reduce our environmental footprint.

As a hotel owner and operator, AccorInvest is committed to :

  • Guaranteeing a work environment respectful of employees’ rights and promote their well-being, with 4 priority lines of action :
    • Attracting & retaining engaged talent, fostering employability
    • Respecting diversity & promoting an inclusive environment
    • Ensuring health and safety for all our employees & promoting well-being at work
    • Raising employees’ ESG engagement


  • Reducing its environmental impact in all its activities with 4 priority lines of action:
    • Reducing our carbon footprint and fostering adaptation to climate change
    • Implementing a global environmental management system to systemize hotel certification
    • Promoting circular economy practices
    • Protecting and enhancing biodiversity near our hotels

Delivering positive hospitality

We commit to delivering an outstanding client experience, all the while being an actor of tomorrow’s sustainable city, by connecting with the communities and enhancing their wellbeing.

With 701 hotels, located in 26 countries, AccorInvest is committed to :

  • Promoting a positive hospitality and offering its customers a responsible stay, in particular by:
    • Ensuring guest care and comfort
    • Fostering innovation for improving guest well-being
    • Improving hotel accessibility
    • Guaranteeing sustainable food


  • Creating a positive impact in the communities where the Group operates by:
    • Providing local employment
    • Engaging with local communities and supporting local projects and associations
    • Promoting flexibility and innovation to create multi-functional hotel spaces which benefit both guests and local populations


ESG strategy February 2022

Ressources to download